Monday, March 29, 2010


Saw this 'poster' in one of the lifts in NUH advertising the upcoming seminars NUH is holding.

'Rejuvenate Intimacy' is the title of the workshop.

While using 'rejuvenate' isn't wrong since like revive and restore, it has the definition and idea of restoring something back to former state, i think this is where collocation comes into place.

To see if i was right and that most people do not use 'rejuvenate intimacy' together but rather 'revive' or 'restore', i did a google search and rejuvenate is not one of the options prompted.

'Restore intimacy' yielded 501,000 results
'Revive intimacy' yielded 237,000 results
'Rebuild intimacy' yielded 167,000 results

Rejuvenate intimacy on the other hand yielded 39,000 results and all of them had to do with some sex detox book -_-" so that is not counted!

So i guess other people indeed do not use 'rejuvenate intimacy' but rather, use 'restore intimacy' in a relationship.

However, unlike 'restore' or 'rebuild', 'rejuvenate' has the idea of making something young again and restoring something its youthful vigour. You know how they always talk about young people and their raging hormones? Maybe by using 'rejuvenating intimacy', the organisers want to connote the idea of getting couples who are tired of each other after being so long together to when they were young again.

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